Sunday, August 22, 2010

The List Of Things To Train .....

This weekend has been our first trial in several weeks and I discovered some interesting things........... :-)

Even though I hardly ever do a dogwalk with Epic anymore in training, due to her "lumpy" leg
Apparently it's still a HIGHLY rewarding behaviour for her. So much so, that she decided to choose it over a tunnel for a second helping, thankyou very much!

The other thing I discovered is that the weavers STILL aren't fixed and she'd like to continue to pop out at number 10 ..... which she did :-)

The thing with Epic though, is that you can't for a second let her think she's done something wrong. Otherwise she'd be absolutely devastated and any enthusiasm we may have had, would be in a pile of mush on the floor. Epic is one of those dogs that gives you her whole heart out on the course BUT she is a BIG stresser. So I never really know what I'm going to get on course.

Though saying that (and I'm touching wood right now!) the longer we've had Liryk, the happier Epic is becoming. She's not quite so worried about things anymore. And she's learning how to have sooooooooooooo much more FUN! It helps that her little sister LOVES everything and so Epic seems to feel like she doesn't want to miss out :-) and is discovering how FUN life really is, and not scarey after all.

So anyway, Masters Agility didn't quite go the way I'd walked. Okay, so we obviously got disqualified :-) But Epic left with a big grin on her face and that's all that matters.

Masters Jumping on the other hand ..... other than a couple of bars. Was FUN and Epic and I really enjoyed ourselves. I have to appologise for the video, my camera ran out of batteries ...... okay it was flat before I even left home and I forgot to look! DOH!! But I had my little "photo" camera. Unfortunately it doesn't take to "zooming in" it goes all blurry, hense the faaaaaaar away look :-) Thanks to Jules for videoing!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

To Bee Or Not To Bee

During the week I'd been writing my latest blog update. My enthusiasm with Epic as she finally nailed all her weavers at the trial last weekend. And my thoughts and goals with Liryk as she turned 5mths on Tues.

Then that blog update was put on the backburner as this puppy was brought into our vet clinic thursday evening ...............

Now there are some pretty interesting similarities between this puppy and MY puppy .........

OMG!!! It IS my puppy!!!!

Currently looking like a bully or shar-pei x. Her pixie face compelety gone!!! and her poor erect ears were now all saggy :-(

You see it seems my inquisitive wee Liryk decided to investigate a BEE :-)

And obviously said BEE was not too impressed to be questioned, as too what it may or may not have been doing in my backyard, by a young wipper snapper of a puppy. And went straight for her throat! Which incidently is where we found the sting.

An injection of Dex and Niramine and within a couple of hours the swelling had mostly come down. PHEW!!!

And by the next day she was back to looking like this .......