Monday, June 11, 2012

The Joy Of Rehab

Thats what I'd like to be telling everyone, that I'm learning so many new things about rehabilitation....poohey! Liryk and I have come to the conclusion that it's CRAP! I ask you, how can there be joy, in no playing tug, no running, no jumping. I'm going to be honest and say I'd like to pop in quite a few swear words at the frustration that Liryk and I are experiencing at the moment!!

I thought having the patience to train a running contact was hard. Well apparently I hadn't quite learnt my share of patience, as this current expedition seems to be challenging my in inner calm.

I've been reading quite a few of people's blogs, that have had dogs with the same injury as Liryk. Most seem to think the rehab as been more painful on them, than their dogs. That their buddies are quite happy just doing 10 min walks. Hmmmmmm yeah Liryk is definitely not one of those dogs. She's pretty much disgusted that I insist on sticking that awful halti on her, that she hasn't seen since she was a puppy. Not to mention that she can't believe none of the other dogs seem to see all the birds that SHE can see but can't get to on our "controlled" walks.

The upside is we're now at week 3. So her exercise has been increased to 3x 15min walks, she can now do cavaletti work, stairs and slight inclines. Next weeks physio appointment will hopefully bring with it some fun stuff like the hydrotherapy treadmill :-D And the end of her electromagnetic pulse therapy three times a day. Though I do believe she actually likes this bit! She nearly always falls asleep while having it done (as you can see) so it must be soothing for her.

Thankyou to everyone that continues to send good thoughts and wishes our way, I'm sure it's working!!


  1. Cheer up - she'll be ok. She'll be back before you know it. Trust me - ANY injury has to be better than a puppy with a broken leg that just won't heal. For us there went at least 8 months, probably up to a year before she was fit. Did I mention the lifetime effect of no puppy socialisation :(? I wish you guys the best of luck as I know what its like. I know for sure it bothered me more than Sen. You are lucky - help and rehab facilities are close at hand - you need not drive a couple of hundred kms just to see a physio!

    Hope to see you in person sometime soon! Nicole, Bigi + Sen.

    1. Hey Nicole :-)
      I know Liryk will be back in no-time, and I feel grateful everyday that the injury wasn't worse. And at least I have my dog (others have not been so lucky in life) But like with anything there is disappointment and dreams that have been put on the sidelines even if it's only for a brief time :-) Take care and I'm sure we'll see you soon!
