Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bush Bashing Dogs

Ive just spent the weekend out at my parents 25acre property. What can I say it's doggie heaven.

I currently have Dancer for the next few weeks (Helena is off to England to see Crufts!!) And she was VERY excited to be coming out for the doggie weekend away :-)

I've added a photo ....with the girls posing nicely. Jestah on the other hand decided there was WAY too much posing going on and he would just "observe" from the bridge in front of the house :-) After his antics last night of getting himself somehow (don't ask me how) caught in the chicken coup and having to be "rescued" he probably thought it was safer up by the house, rather than getting involved in the younger girls shinanigans.

Wednesday is the day Epic gets her followup xrays......can't believe it's been four weeks already.

Sometimes it looks like the lump is smaller and other times I'm not quite so sure.......the other thing I'm not sure of, is whether she is occasionally lame. If she is it's EVER so slight. And I don't know if it's because I'm constantly watching her and seeing something that isn't there?

Either way I should know by the end of the week what her prognosis is.

I've tried not to dwell on it and I'm taking a deep breath that it will be okay.

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